Hi, everyone! My heart is so happy to see that I can completely go off the radar and come back to such a warm welcome. This place is the best! Susie and everyone, yes, this sweater has become a major workhorse for me this winter. Not the booties so much (because they're suede), but they are a fun almost raspberry shade that works well with a bunch of colors. Skinny jeans seem to be my thing....I tried straight-legs recently and they just looked so wrong on me with my short legs, like the looser cut parts didn't hit at the right part of the leg. Anyway I haven't been buying anything much recently (and that's been helped by being on here less often so it's not a varying look at the moment, but I'm at least looking playful and not too slobby. My daughter, on a recent visit, highly approved of the NAS purchases!
My project isn't completely consuming, or anyway should not be, but I am not the best time manager for the moment. But it's fun and I'll have to explain more OT about it sometime.
Ornella, how funny--yesterday I bought an Alice Munro anthology for a trip I'm about to take. I'm really feeling reassured that I'm in the hands of a master storyteller.
Again, I'm in or have been in a bunch of different online communities, and this one is surely the most welcoming. I promise you I will never stray for too too long.......:)