Disclaimer: I'm not a writer of any kind, much less a poet. I don't know anything about structure or rhyming schemes or how to make one phrase mean 5 different things, or how to keep things short. I just do this for fun. I really was in the woods with my dog and feeling grumpy about how I looked that morning when I thought up the first two verses. I was trying to pick an age I'd go back to (I'm currently 63) and couldn't because every age had its problems. Well, I showed my BFF and all she said was it was "interesting"...what people say when they don't want to say horrible! It's meant to be funny...oh well. Despite that, I've started to share it 3 other times and stopped myself, but aging has been such a topic here lately I keep thinking I want to. For some reason.

Ages (Sorry Joyce Kilmer, I was walking in the woods)

I wish that I could always be
The loveliest version of me.
The one whose skin had a subtle glow
Whose thicker hair wasn't touched by snow.

The me of 20 years ago
Whose resting b-face didn't show
Whose firmer jawline didn't sag
Who didn't look like a storybook hag.

But that lovely me wished for 20 years past
For 40 years ago's firmer a**
And 40 years ago's thinner frame
And 40 year ago's lack of pain.

Wait...stuck in a job she didn't love?
Where daily life was all push and shove?
And trying to "adult" and not knowing how
Worth it to get back that unwrinkled brow?

Or 20 years ago's subtle glow
Who didn't know what she didn't know?
She had her own share of angst and woe
Funny thing, time, I forgot it was so.

And 20 years on will wish for 20 years back
And think that current me had no lack.
Still idealizing the things of the past
She'll think that current me had a great a**

I think that I should try to be
The loveliest version of current me
And appreciate the things I know
And do what I want with the hair full of snow.

And make good choices so future me
Can be as healthy as time can be
And glow through kindness to those I see
And forget to care about versions of me.