Yay for a new silhouette that makes everything else look fresh again. And yes to that pink sweater

They are so fun and you look great

Thank you kkards and cheryl!

Your smile says it all

Well, it looks great tucked in! I'm always nervous to do that with jumpers (as opposed to other tops) because of the bulk.

Well I am officially a lemming Mine arrived a couple of weeks ago and I am keeping. The other 3 pairs I also ordered for fun were all too exaggerated to pull off (one had me offering family members 3 wishes...). These are good though. Thanks for sharing!

Also my 17 year old said "it's not that I don't like them on you, it's just that I am surprised someone... your age... would like them?". So we are officially cool girls

Ha Jules that was pretty kind for a 17-year-old… my DD2 got a lot nicer between 19 ( “you’re too old to wear a dress that short” )- with tights I should point out- and 25 (“Hang on, why does that top look so good?”)
She is 29 now and recently asked where I got a top, LOL.
And the “too short” dress she took from me and wears it herself!

Sorry for the slow reply -- yesterday was a travel day and I just didn't have it in me!!

Zaeobi -- I just tuck a teeny portion of a sweater into the front of the waistband -- you can't really see the bit of added bulk because the sweater blouses over at the front and drops lower in the back. Plus, I don't really have a waist worth featuring, so this helps to give the illusion of waist.

Jules -- waving at my cool girl sweatpants twin!!!... Your daughter's comment made me giggle. I'm sure I'm older than you, so I wonder what it means for someone MY age to like them!!?? In any case, I do. A lot.

Jenni --good stories!!!

You look so good and happy in those.

Thanks Debbie - they do make me ridiculously happy!