Oh, SarahD8! So good and so true! I think we do, indeed, have kindred spirits when it comes to said women! I love how you said that. I really do think they would wear the practical coat. Even if they liked the pretty things. So I hear your "heck yeah!" I think we have lost touch with the practical this day and age, to some small or large degree. So, well said.

Side note: I worked with a stylist in May. One thing we discovered is I have a high need for juxtaposition. I didn't even consider that in light of this coat. I have some glam plans for accessories, so we'll see how those pan out and if they make a difference.

I've always had a style that is a bit eclectic, though in my heart I want crisp, classic pieces. As such, I have also veered over the years towards things with a definite point of view: a sequined crop top, bright orange Nikes, etc.

But, I find over the years I've been able to settle on "good enough." These end up being the things that perhaps I didn't envision in my mind, but IMPORTANTLY, they look good from every angle and have an ease. Since I began settling on these "good enough" items, I have actually gotten more compliments than before. Things like a teddy bear fleece or plum colored pumas.

Your coat looks like a great "good enough" item. It might not have been what you envisioned, but I bet you'll come to love it. And like you said, you can always find another later.

Oh Carol, you're such a gem! I love your insights and thoughts. Over the years I've pushed kind of hard to make sure everything is top notch and tried really hard with clothing. With motherhood, I just don't have the lifestyle nor the energy to pursue my style in that way anymore. So, I love that you're pointing out "good enough is good enough" as it resonates a lot with where I am. I do love my coat! It's really hitting home the more I wear it. I may find another later, but with the intention of it just grabbing me versus me hunting it down. If that makes sense.

Also, I leaned toward eclectic too! I used to want to dress in crisp pieces as well. Some of the women I looked up to dressed very crisp and classic. But the honest truth is, that's not me. I look anywhere from boring to matronly in classic style clothing worn head-to-toe. It's just not good on me. And I feel off in it too. So I'm hearing you <3