I want to thank SuzyQ2 for mentioning "pill pouches" in LisaP's recent NYC travel posting (LisaPs posting is here

Here is what SuzyQ2 said:

When I fly I use tiny disposable pill bags with the zip tops for my cosmetics and lotions. They're about 2 in square and hold more than I need for a week long trip. I label them first, (they all look the same after day one) then pour or squirt a few dabs of sunscreen, foundation, hair product, night cream or whatever you need. Then I seal them and put the small bags into a larger zip lock bag, just in case of leaks, but that hasn't happened yet. On the last day, after getting ready I just toss what's left.

Brilliant! I had never heard of these but got some and am using them just as you describe SuzyQ2 on my upcoming trip. Since I'm going to be on a long flight I decided to be extra cautious about pressure changes causing leaks, so after I sealed the "zip" part I folded each one over and taped with scotch tape. I also packed one of those tiny scissors that come in sewing kits in case the tape is uncooperative, and cut myself a tiny plastic "spatula" from an empty cottage cheese container to make it easier to get the stuff out. I'm also going to use them to pack vitamins!

I found a pack of 50 for under $5 at CVS. Here is a find from Amazon so you can see what they look like.

Thanks so much SuzyQ2!