Coffee and shooters... ready when you are!

Janet, I am so like you in purging thoughts, I was nodding and agreeing with everything you wrote.

I have a large wardrobe, and so things don't tend to wear out. Getting rid of something that is fine, fits, and I like it, seems wasteful to me (even though I know somebody else can use it).

I struggle so much with getting rid of things that aren't "me". I guess I still struggle with knowing what IS "me". For example, I have two beautiful BR tops that are SO flattering in shape, good colours, yet I never reach for them. I have no idea why. Every summer I pull them out and think... now's "the time to let them go" and I try them on, and then think "gosh I should wear these, they look good". But I don't .

I dunno. But it's frustrating, as I'm now running out of space, and hanging things are getting crushed (I am also terrible at getting the iron out, so then things don't get worn for another reason).

Great thread!

Elizabeth, you have my full sympathy.

While getting dressed the other day, I pulled out a lovely white silk shirt -- I bought it to replace an old white silk shirt that developed stubborn stains under the arms. It's firmly from the era maybe 3-5 years ago that was ALL about the long-over-lean silhouette, so it's roomy and has a long back, which covers my rear end and then some. I put it on and just was not feeling it -- it was simultaneously too dressy and too...something. I don't know. You'd think that since I'm actually a little bigger than I was when I bought this shirt, I'd embrace the silhouette, but it just didn't make me feel fab.

Did I put it in the donate pile? No. I thought, well, maybe months from now I'll want to wear it with a long jacket over it, with skinnies and heeled boots. Which is true. But here we are and I haven't worn that shirt in three years.