Interesting thread! Thanks for taking the time to take pix, Janet (and Deb too!). I'm a very visual person, so that really helps.
I don't duplicate a whole lot. I have:
- 2 pairs of VC booties, one in black and one in animal print
- 2 Loft ruffle long-sleeve t-shirts, one in ivory and one in eggplant
- 2 AT halter tops, one in coral and one in black
- 3 Loft peasant tees
- 2 BR tees, one in red and one in white
I have found that 3 is too many for me as far as duplicating goes. I am not happy that I duplicated the peasant tee so much. But live and learn!
I have found that I like duplicating only things that are very simple in design. The Loft ruffle tee is kind of pushing it in that regard. That was one of my first duplications when I started building my wardrobe, and I am not sure I would duplicate something like that now.
I have also discovered that when I duplicate, I like to have one light color and one dark color. That makes it easier for me to choose between the two—I like high-contrast dressing, so I just pick whatever duplicate item is the correct value (is that the right word?).
Another strategy I use when duplicating is to buy one item in a solid and one in a pattern. That way they feel very different. The VC booties are like that: one pair is solid black, while the other pair is leopard.
I have mixed feelings about duplicating. Overall, I prefer variety; but I am also very hard to fit in tops and need to accept that. I had decided no more duplicating at the start of this year, but I made an exception for the AT halter tops, and I am glad that I did. I see that I shouldn't cordon off duplicating but should just make sure I duplicate things that are very simple.