No, I am not in Slytherin House, though my outfit might as well be. Thinking about yesterday's blog post: Team Earth Tones or Jewel Tones,

I realize I am a jewel tone person. Then going back two posts before that,

I realize that the green and black outfit formula is great for jewel tone lovers.

Speaking of Slytherin House, one thing I love about black and green together is that it suggests so many things/moods so easily:
the "evil" House in Harry Potter
a vintage pool hall
Edward Gorey

I love to occasionally make references to stuff like that, so the black and green post was an a-ha! moment for me.

I think black and green looks great with gold jewlery. With silver, not so sure.

Here I am in a green brocade dress, black bolero, black heels, and jewelry. I will probably be figuring out ways to do more of this formula.

The only thing missing here is my $50,000 Bulgari serpenti wrap bracelet. Must have left that somewhere....

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