definitely the black. Looks like a keeper to me!

I loved the cream when you first posted it but now I really prefer the black trim! Super fab!

Definitely the black. Hands down winner! From when you first posted I found the cream band a bit off. I also cannot ever get my hair as super straight as the hairdresser LOL. Looks good, but your wavy hair is also good - lucky you!

Agree I also like the black the best. I think this vest had a tan/white version that was tempting me.

You look fab in the black trim vest - it just looks so much sharper. I am really glad that you found this one and gave us the comparison.

Yess, the black is the winner!

I’m seeing sweater vests everywhere right now. You’re a trendsetter!

I’m glad the consensus seems to agree with me! Kyle, I’m noticing roomy sweater vests trending now, or at least for when fall actually starts. It’s a trend I don’t mind dipping a toe into, as it goes well into winter and allows for a bit of layering without adding too much warmth. I’ve looked at a few other sweater vests online but I’ll resist the urge to add another, as this will likely scratch the itch for me.

Im a little late to the party, but I love the black one best! and I agree it will blend a bit easier with dark bottoms . I had an oversized houndstooth vest a few years back and I liked the fun, almost punk vibe

When you have a shirt tucked in, I like both equally, but with an untucked shirt I prefer the black. Your hair looks great too!

I see black has won! That’s good it’s settled; I wouldn’t have been able to pick!

The evil cowlneck and I are in agreement the black trim vest is just ahead of the white trim !

...and you look amazing !

LOL, thanks, Cee! I hope you know that I cannot see a cowlneck without thinking of you.

Ceeeeee!!!! Happy dance!

Then my work here is done, Janet !