Thank you all. If this week is any indication, these bags are going to get a workout and be worth every penny. I like the Rothy’s tote more every time I use it. I have packed it so full, zippered the top closed and been pleased with how well it holds my items with out losing its shape. It looks classy and not lumpy and bumpy due to the contents.
I find I like using the small zipper pouch like an over sized wristlet. It has everything I need for the few errands I go on. It can hang from my wrist or tuck easily under my arm, leaving my hands free. When I sit down it fits perfectly on my lap, so I don’t need to find a place to set it down.
Happy little side note: we hosted a drive through Learning Bag pick up for our families. All parents and kids stayed in their vehicles and wore masks, but we could see the excitement shining in their eyes and hear lots of joyful exclamations. The new learnings, guidelines, and technologies are a steep climb, but today we were rewarded for all the hard work. Those kids! They are so worth the effort. We will only see them online for the next few weeks, but I am eager to get started with my adorable new group!
Thank you, sweet Fabbers for all of your support. You are pretty special and very appreciated.