
New here.

Need some advice.

My husband loves walking around in his bare feet. Like, everywhere. I mean he's a great guy, and I wouldn't trade him for anything, but this drives me CRAZY!!! He's always barefoot when he walks the dog around the neighborhood, making him the subject of all jokes. He runs barefoot. He goes barefoot in stores, the bank, restaurants and even the dentist office. Weather doesn't bother him either. I've literally seen him walk barefoot in the snow.

To his credit, when myself or others make fun of him, he just shrugs it off and even makes fun of himself too. If he gets hassled in a store (surprisingly this doesn't happen often) he'll just walk out without starting any conflict.

I love him to death but there has to be a way to get him to wear shoes...at least sometimes. The bottoms of his feet are disgusting. Not trying to stop his no shoes lifestyle choice, but sometimes it would be great for him to put on a pair of slippers every now and then.

What can I do without stepping on his toes (literally or figuratively, lol)?

Thank you!!!