Hello! I'm new to the forum and the whole website. I find it very informative and interesting.
I've been reading about bodytypes and trying to figure out mine. I still can't seem to figure out which type I am. Would you perhaps like to help me out? I would appreciate it very much!
Here's a picture containing my full silhouette and body measurements: http://img.photobucket.com/alb.....tti_05.jpg
At first I thought I was a pear because my hips are significantly wider than my waist, and my chest is more narrow than my hips. But then again, it seems that my shoulders are too wide for a pear. Am I right? Which might lead me to consider the possibility I might be an hourglass (gasp!)... but isn't my chest too narrow for an hourglass shape? Then there's the 8-shape... Do you think I have the "shelf" or not? Because I just can't tell.
I would appreciate any comments!