New silhouettes confuse me! I could use some wise stylish and fashionable eyes, please.

After my recent color analysis session, I bought three new bottoms from Banana Republic Factory. Two just looked cool and even though they were on final sale (fortunately, they fit), so those are staying. The last could be returned. I think I really like it but the cut confuses me, and just after I placed my order they offered it in a different color that I also like, so I'm torn.

I'm a super slow adopter to new silhouettes, and I'm accustomed to slimmer fits, so I'm not sure what to do for lengths and shoes when it comes to straight, tapered, or barrel leg pants. Are these the right lengths? Do they need hemming? Especially for the returnable pants, are they good enough to earn a place in my closet?

Please forgive the complete lack of styling, and the bare feet (and the wrinkles); I was already wearing the tee and I'm keeping shoes off the carpet, and every other place in my house is a construction zone!

1-3: Final sale, so it's staying. I love the greens and the patchwork, but is it a little too long? Should it be chopped a bit? On the model it was closer to just below the knee, but I'm not 5'10" like the website model.

4-6: Final sale again. More love for the patches. Is this the right length or do they need hemming? The website called them barrel legs, though I think they look fairly straight... what kind of shoes would work with these?

7-9: The returnable pants ( I bought them in Flax, but Potter's Clay appeared after I'd ordered and it looks very pretty (and Autumn-y); they're both lovely colors so I'm just not sure which would be better. How is the length and fit?

Thank you for your wisdom and opinions!

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