HAH. Just read the comments. Today, I'm Queen Spanner.

As much as I love the idea of this dress, I am not sure I like this execution of the style. The low armholes on the sides definitely give me mom-jumper vibes, despite knowing that it is supposed to look edgy and not mumsy. Again, I just love the idea behind this dress, with the shorter layer underneath, but I am not loving this particular dress.

Janet- I like the dress and how it hangs without alterations. It fits the back of the model with a bit of fluidity also. What is different in the Nordies photos vs yours is that the lower hem on the model leaves more shin exposed. It seems to impact the proportion somewhat as few of us are as tall as most models.

Don't sew and am not any kind of a expert, just am curious: what happens if the black hem were slightly shortened? Would it retain its emblematic HL shape? Does it keep its strong lines or lose its integrity without winning your heart?

Good luck with your decision.

If I had never seen you in more flattering outfits, and had no idea what a nice figure you have I might be okay with this, but it does not do you justice.

That is an incredible dress. I do think that it need a little waist definition and I really like it when you pulled it back. Just fantastic.

I had a sense Angie would approve this! And it probably looks and feels very comfy in person. But I am sticking with my original view, only because I adore your style and wish I could wear so much of what you do wear. The combination of the white underlayer and black vest looks weirdly dated to me, and I don't see the HL edge I'd expect in the form of an asymmetric hem or twist. Iwant it to look more special than it does to me, instead of like those "Multiples" from the early 90s.

You know I'm the queen of Not Even Flattering Enough so it's not so much the flattery factor as the vibe I get, which of course is very personal!

I'm holding out with Una. I love the idea of this dress. It has the nun thing going on. And you look really good from the front in it. But I feel there's too much material in the upper back, and my first thought was - wow this dress is surprisingly underwhelming in real life. A dress like this - I feel should have more wow. But its not enough for me for a dress to be nice or flattering...

It's definitely different from what I'm used to seeing you in. I do think it's JFE but I like it better from the front without the alterations. (An aside, I think this is the first dress that I've ever clicked on where the Nordstrom "fit advisor" said it was an "excellent" fit for me. Interesting.)

FWIW, here's my take on why I love the dress on Janet:

  • The white insets look much more Summery and Modern than if they were black. Edgy.
  • The lack of waist definition actually balances out the top and bottom half.
  • The layering under the armhole and in the front of the dress is distinctive.
  • The length is very elegant. It looks like a grown-up dress.
  • The style is cool yet covered.
  • It has a fab '80s feel to it - Retro Futurism.
But YOU have to love the dress on your body, Janet. There is no point if I am the only one who loves it.

This has been interesting. Angie, thanks for adding your thoughts.

Quite frankly, I think I like it more than the prevailing feedback in this thread would lead one to believe. I wonder if this is one of those things that doesn't photograph particularly well.

Hmm. Many people didn't love the skirted leggings on me either, but once I bought them and wore them styled, there seemed to be a bit more approval.

I will try it on for hubs when he comes home this weekend. That will likely be the deciding factor. If he's all "meh" about it, back it goes. But if he likes it with the alterations I am considering, I may need to keep it. I'll let you all know how it goes!

I wish I could say I adore this dress on you, Janet, but I find myself wanting to liberate the little white dress from its dark prison so you could wear it instead! That black overdress just seems to hit at the wrong places, both clipped and unclipped. But obviously a little white shift is not exactly fashion-forward, whereas Helmut Lang is . . . Helmut Lang. Can't blame you for being smitten--I love his stuff, too. I'll be curious to know what you decide!

Oh I'm so glad that Angie weighed in on this - because like I said in my comments I love this dress on you!

Fascinating comments. As I said, I was more in the "yay" than the "nay" camp and pretty much for the reasons Angie suggests. I think it's very distinctive, and this is what I think of for your style. Grown up.

Janet, what's Jamie's verdict? be sure to ask Tippie and Sophie too.

High five, Suz and Marley.

OK, finally an update. J was home for a long weekend, but it was pretty jam-packed with plans, so I only got a chance to try this on for him this morning before I took him to the airport! We had five minutes for evaluation, which is probably a good thing. Quick verdicts can be very useful -- better than hemming and hawing…

Well, he likes it! He definitely wants to see the altered version -- he agreed that it's just too much of a big rectangle on me as-is, but when I showed him the waist and shoulder tuck, he was really enthusiastic. He said that it translates much better IRL than in photos -- it's drapey and lightweight, and has movement. He loves the cutaway hemline and the tiny little cutout in the midriff that you can barely see at all in the photos. He gets absolutely zero mom-jumper vibes from this, and he's REALLY picky about that kind of thing (his ex-wife would wear a mom-jumper).

So I'm going to take it into Nordstrom and see what the seamstress suggests for alterations to lessen the volume on top while still preserving the things that make this cool (at least to some of our eyes ;-)). I'll post the results of that trip later. Thanks for all the feedback!


Do tell Jamie that we bat for the same team.

YES! i'm so glad you are keeping the dress! To my eye, it's unique and interesting which totally fits your adventurous style.

I really liked this dress as well. I hope you can make it work.

Well, there you go.

Good to read.....it is a special piece.

Excellent! Thanks for the update and enjoy the dress.

Janet - I missed this first time around. Like you, I'm a HL girl. I think I have 4 blazers and the sweatshirt now. I think this is an incredibly elegant dress - unusual, sophisticated, dramatic and just plain classy. In a sea of sameness - this is unique but in a quiet way. I do think a nip and tuck will enhance the conventional flattery although I love it just as is. I think it's stunning and I'm so glad you are keeping it!!

Pleased that you like it enough to keep, please do show is a pic when you wear it out.

When you get it altered, can you post a vine file instead of a jpg? Bet it's wonderful in motion, even unaltered.

Missed this first time around but I just wanted to say I LOVE THIS DRESS! Please post pics to let us know how the alterations go.