After 'lurking' for half a year I have signed up. This was precipitated in part by my sons gifting me with an IPod, and Eldest providing weekly tutorials including a field trip to the local Library and a coffee house to teach me how to connect through Wifi! Eldest was impressed that I figured out how to sign on and even sort out the profile photo for You Look Fab!

I'm reevaluating my wardrobe and clothing needs as I anticipate retirement in the next 2-3 years. I'm inspired by the idea of a minimal, but well curated wardrobe, but find myself a bit challenged by the transition ahead of me. The first 15 years of my career was all about wrap dresses and blazers, or simple tops and pencil skirt. My wallet was tossed into a leather brief case. The last 10 years I have struggled with a trend to 'dress casual' at the office. I wear jeans after work and on weekends, but have been a late adapter at work though I now sometimes wear pants.

That said, I own only one button down shirt! Tops are dressy t's, sleeveless tops, and sweaters...topped with a cardi or blazer cut jacket.

I think I've got my style descriptor down, but I'm confused about my body type! I've always thought I was an apple/rectangle, but now I'm no so sure. When I can put pics up, I'll ask for some advice.

In the interim, I hope I can now contribute to a site that has been such a pleasure to read.