I know a lot of folks hack old or existing jeans/ pants into cutoffs.
I seldom can do this because the most common thing to happen with my pants is no longer liking the fit in waist hips.

Despite my fun W&W shorts find, I feel very limited in shorts option for fabrics, color palette and length.
I was thinking I might consider “ long” pants that are more available in S/S - chinos and such- for an intentional hack , probably with a finished hem.
Now, in this same vein, great- fitting full- length or 7/8 chinos are also a HEWI for me. Am actually considering some very spendy ones but haven’t bit the bullet
But I’m thinking of lower - price point like LOFT, or sales , discount store ( and thrift, but not a lot of that here), that may fit pretty well but leg style and length is not right. I’d measure the thigh area width to see if compares with my best shorts.
I think shorts fit can be a little more forgiving because somehow you can allow more ease in seat ( for summer comfort) if not going down to full leg, which might sag or wrinkle in ghd knees, etc, plus the casual nature and wearing untucked shirts , seldom jackets. Or vice versa, size for seat and thigh fit only.
With this idea, I wouldn’t have to rush to execute— but I might start evaluating low- cost pants in a new light.

Advice or experience in this approach?