Ms. Maven recently posted a fab outfit and noted that her PT mentioned that many women have one shoulder slightly higher than the other due to carrying a handbag for many years.

While we cannot measure our own shoulder heights, I am wondering more about which hand is your dominant hand and on which shoulder you usually carry your handbag. For example, I am right handed (I was naturally a lefty, but was born in the dark ages when handedness was forcibly changed by parents and schools) and usually carry my handbag on my left shoulder. If I am carrying a handheld, I usually carrying it on my left forearm, and if I wear a cross-body bag (I almost never do), I carry it on my right shoulder so the bag itself is on the left hip. But I have other friends who are right hand dominant and carry their bag on their right shoulder, so it varies.

Over to you! Dominant hand? Shoulder or arm on which you carry a bag?