Your natural texture looks PERFECT for the shag style you intend. Go for it!

It looks like our provincial State of Emergency will be extended a further 28 days. Will be voted on later today, and likely will pass. Everything will continue to be closed.

Yes! Glorious! Your current style is almost there, Janet. Your natural hair texture is ideal for a shag!

....Good grief. That sounds obscene...

Your natural hair is amazing! Haha Angie!


I love your natural texture, just stunning. And the colour looks great too.


That was unintentional! I don’t swear. Of course, I meant shag haircut.....but left the accidental phrasing like that for laughs. We all need a GOOD laugh

Haha I know:) That's what made it funny.

ROFL Angie! That’s hilarious. I knew what you meant.

Thanks for the nice comments on my hair. Some days I like it and some, not so much. It literally changes with the weather!

*wipes Scottish Ale off phone*

Janet you will rock this style. Glad I joined this post late, as it gave me a laugh too.