Hi. I've been having issues with my feet and legs these past few weeks. I've even started PT as a result. The most worrisome has been a lot of cramping in my calves when I walk (it happens nearly instantaneously, not gradually). I'm someone who's always been able to walk a lot very easily.
Today I'm out for appointments downtown and suddenly it occurs to me that my calves are fine. I had been instructed to always wear either a heel or an orthotic insert, but the one the doc gave me was barely half an inch. (Edit: and I'm almost always in flat shoes with the insert.) Today I'm wearing booties that are about 1.5".
I'm really hoping that is all I need. Meanwhile booties still not a great support shoe (and I have a wide toe box).
Does anyone have a rec for a really good, supporting shoe for lots of walking on pavement? With a heel of 1.5-2", ideally? A sneaker with a heel, essentially:)
I know are women here on the forum who can't wear flats (never could, or stopped being able to). Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if this seems more like Off-topic.
Thank you!!!!!!