So creative! I love a touch of daytime glitz. It looks awesome.

Even though you post a range of different looks, there’s always something about them that feels very you. And you are able to do it without fail. Creative cohesion at its best. Your closet and vision are enviable, and this mesh top is a wonderful addition.

So creative and fun, Brooklyn. I love fall fashion for all the textures! There are so many amazing textures in your outfit! (One of the things I miss with online shopping is being able to touch everything!)

I've seen some tops like this one online (perhaps H&M?) and yes, the were mainly black&silver--which can look too formal and couldn't really imagine to dress them down in a so very creative and edgy way you did your's in that much more doable for us blondes, tan/gold. Wow, this is the epitome of my idea of glamorous casual -I just love.

Thanks Lyn. Yes, I’ve seen them at H&M and Zara. They are also popping up at some Australian retailers here. The black versions are just so naturally edgy (which I like) but not as versatile for me. I like gold!

Thanks BlueJay. Texture and metallics are my dual obsessions for Autumn/Winter. And I miss that about B&M shopping too.

And thanks Kyle and Jenni!

Just so fantastic.
I think of modern- medieval warrior Princess chain mail — but in a good way. Because it looks so light and effortless.

Love how you have taken the mesh top and styled it in a sophisticated way! Definitely has changed my view of them as only club wear.

Thanks AJ. But be warned: it’s impossible to resist the urge to do the occasional shimmy in this top.

Thanks UF. I like medieval warrior! I think it’s the resemblance to chain mail that attracted me to this kind of top in the first place.

Angie’s post on mermaid core made me remember this shiny outfit. How’s the mesh holding up, now that you’ve had more chances to wear it?

I just love it! Agree with what was already said about you dressing beyond the fashion trends — that is the definition of edgy to me.

Just so fantastic. You styled the mesh top in a sophisticated way. Gorgeous!

I missed this too while I was away. Stunning and very you - it looks luxe!!

Thanks Sal, MJ and Lana!

Jessi, the mesh is holding up really well! It’s a fairly heavy top. (I wouldn’t wear it in Summer.) I store it in a handbag dust bag to protect it and make sure it doesn’t catch on other things.