Here are a few pictures from yesterday's event - as I said in the other thread, it was more of a stop by as you're shopping sort of thing than one big
show - short fashion shows and styling challenges every half hour,
racks set out so you could see what items from which stores at the mall
were available, chances to win gift cards, free styling advice etc.
I came back and forth in between going to some stores in the mall. The whole event was 5 hours long and I didn't stay for everything. In any case I'm glad I went, just to see what it was like. I was honestly glad that it was a little rainy otherwise it would have probably been super-crowded. IMO it's worth checking out, if you have a Simon mall that's participating.
1 - the two hosts, who were professional stylists, I believe, and maybe bloggers too. Her moto jacket had a cool metallic effect which you can't see in the photo.
2 - Trends for guys - I think this was about using jackets in more casual outfits
3 - one of the participating bloggers/stylists back in the 'lounge' - I liked her coat
4 - I think this look was from Ann Taylor; the skirt had a nice leather-look effect
5 - Lacoste for men - I have a bit of a poison eye for the Lacoste jacket b/c I remember it from the 80s but it did look weirdly charming on this young guy
6 - I got a bit of a chuckle when the male stylist called this an outfit for Casual Friday - we're in Silicon Valley, man, sometimes people wear their pajamas to work
7 - bad picture of a cute dress in a blue color
8 - wearing pastels for winter; they recommended grounding it with darker colors. It looked a little too severe for me. Maybe gray, or ink blue, instead of black?
9 - the luxe sweatpants trend works for guys, too
10/11 - head to toe shades of grey - the top was a lovely sheer thing with metallic beading. I liked the varied texture.
12 - I think this dress was from Macy's; it's probably hard to tell but there were faux-leather welt pockets at the hips
13 - one of the 2-minute styling challenges in progress
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