Today I found this tote (in canary yellow), brand new, return tags still on, at the thrift store for $5! 5!

I guess I don't care that it isn't the trendiest-of-trend thing, sorry! I really like the braiding, the size, and color (the kind of color that would probably look sickly on my skin, but i think will work this way!) I have some dark purples, blues, pink, oranges etc. that would go with.

I really don't know if the tote is in actuality completely hideous and my sense of style is challenged or something. I haven't had any stylish/fashionable ladies growing up to discuss with and I only began caring much about how I looked when I started going to college, so I may be asking some newbie questions in the future!

(also found, to my astonishment, a pair of real leather pants which I needed for a costume. Very lucky day)

Welp, my first thread on the forum is selfish crowing about a thrifted bag. Apologies, I will improve. ^^