Awhile back I posted about s fun boutique for which I had “ won” a gift certificate . I bought some booties, but at home felt the fit was off so returned (as in within 24 hrs. The shop about said they don’t do any returns, but finally gave me store credit. Of course the amount was now higher than my original certificate because the item I bought was a bit higher. On YLF we had done discussions on boutique inventory, finances.
Well, I checked back from time to time but nothing struck my fancy. The shop is aimed at younger clientele for one thing- still I was hopeful because it would have things like Equipment shirts, Vince, interesting footwear. But I’ve learned that these items are fewer and farther between that I’d thought and often just a tad “ off” and everything is quite expensive. Plus I was terrified of getting something else that might fail the “ home mirror “ test as I’d not want to try another return. For me that ruled out jeans, footwear, lots of things.
Not saying the store credit was burning a hole in my wallet, but I was coming up on2- year anniversary of the original gift certificate. So I began trying to focus. . I found only about 3 things I could use and really liked. 2 were the Rail plaid shirt and the Vince cashmere sweater which is in Linen color ( the Find example will only show Blue). I decided to cut my losses and not pay out more $$ to them. I got the plaid shirt ( whether or not they’re “ in style”, ha) because the color combo looks good and are favorite colors and I can wear easily, and also layer.
BUT I also really liked the Vince sweater. It’s fluid but not oversized, not too thick a knit, sleeves are slim enough fit under a jacket and the linen color is a really good “ light neutral “ for me. It is warm but doesn’t look like heavy sweaters that are just for polar vortex days, so I think will be versatile . So I got it on significant sale from another store , good return policy so could I try it out with outfits. It’s a keeper and I expect to have fun with it when weather gets a bit cooler.
I AM annoyed that it went on further sale, but may just let that go.

So I think I may not set foot in that boutique again, or if I do will be for “ retail research “!