While the final result is I only kept a pair of earrings. I hate having wasted Nordstrom's shipping and time (I keep thing too often from shipping guilt), but I learned a lot from my first NAS.
The velvet bomber fit well even though not a petite ( sometimes XS reg sleeves are short enough in jackets, I'm finding) but it looked too "junior", the flower placement emphasize my chest, and it was kind of a dolman sleeve which could not be seen from the online photos. Final nail in the coffin was NO POCKETS.
The Caslon peplum looked much better with the narrower pants than the flares in my prior K/R post - so thanks for those suggestions. Loose boyfriend is the narrowest thing I own. I loved the fabric - crisp yet soft. But I think what threw me is the band collar - the fabric is too crisp for it to open with a V, so it looks like a crew neck unless I fiddle with it all the time. #4 shows it tucked under to simulate a high V, and I like it better. So chalk it up to learning what I like. I do recommend the top from a quality and fabric standpoint.
Finally, and most sadly, the burgundy Born boots where I lemming'd Firecracker were adorable, were both too narrow and too long. They have a point-ier toe and different fit than my same size Born Pirlos (black Find below). But dang they looked good with the burgundy Caslon top.
My consolation is I subsequently found the gorgeous YFL-approved WHBM denim jacket AND got it for 1/3 off, so here is to being selective and not settling. And I got a Nordie's card, so I am set for next year!
Thanks for all the help!
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