I feel like sharing my recent ideas and ramblings.

Knitting patterns.
I’m still feeling my knitting out for the year. I rediscovered some patterns in my library.
1: bulky weight oversized cocoon. Easy to wear. Cozy. We are nearing spring and summer, so I likely wouldn’t finish in time for this season. It’s a pattern I’ve owned for 10ish years? Maybe time to make it.
2: also bulky weight. Love the T shape! Little worried the cabling across the chest with heavy yarn would be a no-no with my current bust size.
3. Loooove! Can we say cozy glam sexy? And it’s a very simple knit, believe it or not.
4. Vintage goodness. My new chestnut brown yarn is the right weight for this. I’m very tempted.
5. Another long-time pattern I’ve adored. I feel this would flatter my shape a lot. Drapey. Sensual. Mmmmm!

Style inspiration
I rediscovered Liv Tyler. Several years ago, my image consultant friend told me Liv was my style soul sister. I love her so much. There is a slight freshness and retro/vintage vibe to her. I just love how she has worn clothes during motherhood too. I’m not sure if she is quite exotic or maximal enough for me? But that’s something I can easily add with my own accessories and such.

Things I see is her use of simple, well tailored, narrow/straight leg slacks. Fresh floral heels. Well tailored coats. Jumpsuits galore. (Something I could replicate with matching top and pant??) Beanies. Feminine dresses. Ked/Chuck style low profile tennis shoes. Lots of neutrals and darks. Decent amount of florals.

We’ll see if I move toward a less sultry look.

Thank you for indulging my ramblings and musings. xo

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