(February challenge to revisit closet orphans, items that are under used, or yes, items that had not been worn)

1st up is an vintage corduroy shirt. I can date this shirt is from the mid 90s, when I lived in Connecticut, I remember buying it from the Timberland store in the WestFarms mall. Loved the baby cords and the red. Haven’t worn it for a long time, but as cord and red and both trending again, I’ve pulled it back out this year. This seemed like the perfect pre valentine day work outfit.

2nd is a sweater I bought in the height of the pandemic dopamine dressing era. It’s a great sweater, but honestly it’s the 1st time I’ve worn it this year, because it’s just a smidge outside my color palette/comfort zone. It’s a beautiful sweater and it deserves to be worn more.

Thanks for looking. As always all comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated

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