I’m inspired by kkards to try to up wears this month on some slightly lesser worn clothing. Often it’s clothing I loved when I bought it but wearing the items is not as convenient as one would have expected.
So today this is to do an airport pickup of Canadian brother-in-law (Neil’s brother) who is escaping a Saskatoon winter for 2 weeks and seeing his 93 year old Dad and 88 year old Mum.
I don’t wear the beautiful 2021 embroidered jacket quite enough (24th wear today in just over 3 years) because I found a lot of necklines clashed so I prefer it only with singlets/tanks. And I don’t want to work in just those but don’t want to work with the jacket on either. Today in the car with aircon the jacket was off but later after socialising it was on in the cold supermarket aircon buying food for dinner with him. NZ salmon not Canadian salmon!
Jacket 2021 24th wear
Apple gold Sabatini singlet/tank 2022 26th wear (this was a $10 outlet store exact dupe for my earlier one). NZ made.
Verge white jeans 2021 75th wear
Green sandals 2016 103rd wear!
Thanks for looking.

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