SarahD8, thanks for appreciating the hectic pattern mix! You get how it can make the wearer happy. Appreciate the natural hair affection too

MsMaven, lovely to see you chime in! Glad the look made you smile, and hope you're having a good day.

Wow! This super fab outfit is SO you! It’s amazing how well it works. I think it's because of the white. Your hair is beautiful, too.

Awwww, JAileen! What a sweet comment. Thank you! (Yes, whites work well with brights. One of the reasons I wear a lot of white!)

The belt and the shoes. Omg so good.
Blouse, blazer and pants fab as well. Love that you have such a high percentage of favorites in your wardrobe

Thanks, kkards! Bless you for enjoying a belted complement too

What a delicious orange blouse and love the daring move of pairing it with the Smythe blazer. I want to give you an award for show jumping on your prize horse, ha! Bright and cheerful equestrian pattern mixing for the win!

Wow… seeing you in your favorite things is one of my favorite things. Skilled combining of pieces. Strikes me as your version of maximal, with the belt and shoe hardware, plus print combination. The joy leaps off the page!

Fab favourite things! I really love your orange blouse especially, so pretty. Looks great with the white pants.

The pattern mixing speaks to my heart!

Laura, your horsey comment launched me Into orbit!

Eliza, that's high praise and I'm humbled! Appreciate your kindness

Jenni, thank you! I love a pretty blouse. The horsey vibe makes it extra special

Rachy, go Team Pattern Mix

*Grabs a box of microphones to drop*

...The big one !

Whenever you share a ‘fit, I get inspired and motivated! Pink and orange together is genius. Thanks for sharing your favourites.

Cee, nice to see you!

Carla, awwwh! That's lovely, and I'm flattered