Where do I begin. Ha ha!
Let's start with the feet: I was dx'ed with a severe B12 deficiency 7 years ago. By the time it was dx'ed, I had nerve damage particularly in my feet. Basically, I had been walking around for years in shoes that did not fit-- because I couldn't feel my feet. Ugh. Anyway, the doctors thought the damage was going to be permanent, but I'm happy to say, my nerves woke up again! And whoa.... now my feet are so sensitive! So yeah, shoes matter, and yes my feet are super fussy.
When I was diagnosed, the doctor told me to expect weight gain with treatment, and told me I could stand to gain weight. I was also banned from any sort of exercise until the nerve damage heeled. I also was in the height of perimenopause with hot flashes and middle-aged spread and all of that. And yep I gained weight! I settled in at a "new normal" higher weight. It was tough to get used to it, but I kept telling myself the extra body fat plumped out the wrinkles, and made me have more "presence" in the world.
When the pandemic hit, I hadn't stepped on a scale in two years. Eating out less and cooking more at home definitely helped, but no major changes seen with how clothes fit.
Eventually for stress relief and sanity the husband and I started hiking 3-4x's a week, going longer and longer and with more challenging hikes. Then in January I signed up for the 52 Hike Challenge (hike 52 times in a year), which we completed a week ago!! I started to notice my leggings were slipping down, and I had to tighten my fanny pack, and the extra chin disappeared. I've been wearing bralettes but tried on my bra and realized I am down from a D to a C cup. I still have no idea what my weight started at, but I am going to guess I've lost 10 lbs just from hiking and eating out less over this past year. I finally weighed myself and I've still got a ways to go, but definitely better than two years ago.
I would like to drop another 10 lbs but I'm not going to do it by calorie counting alone. I'm just going to keep hiking and being active. I'm in no rush.