Oh heavens. I have completely confused things by using the world EDGE. Sorry about that.
Forget that Soft Edge has anything to do with Hard Edge or the word Edgy. You've got Hard Integrity on the one side of the continuum, and Soft Integrity on the other. That's it.
Aida is the person who understands what I mean by Soft Edge best. Thanks for chiming in and high five.
Suz and Sveta, you are there: "looks on the edge of Softness" is EXACTLY right in describing Soft Edge.
Anna, that outfit lands you two thirds up of the Soft Edge continuum to my eye. If you took off the harness, it would run further towards Soft Edge.
Rabbit, not quite. I wear angular lines virtually exclusively (quite strict and masculine), and my outfits are much more Soft (Edge), than Hard (Edge). And yes, to your quote: "if I understand correctly the edge part is just a carryover term from the altered original word meant to show it's an opposite". YES. Thank you.
Caro, frequently wearing black and dark grey outfits puts you on the Hard Edge side of the continuum. Although they can be worn with softer elements - I don't think you could wear a black and dark grey outfix and call it Soft Edge. Black is by definition Hard. And yes to the rest of your questions.
Mo, both those pieces are Soft.
Una, the outfit you're describing runs up the continuum towards Soft Edge. But the rest of the outfit details will determine WHERE it's placed. It's an OVERALL look I am describing. Not an individual piece. And to Suz's point, your hair and make-up can move the direction further into one direction.