I have been careful to avoid any drastic wardrobe culling, revising that might be due to "pandemic brain" with its roller-coaster psyche effects, and temporary (though a lot longer than we would have hoped for) restrictions and lifestyle changes.

But also by nature I tend to keep things whether I am wearing or not, have to ruminate on whether to pitch something, have to "see" the problem with it first, and am basically stubborn about doing so.

I also tend to buy favorite colors without being picky enough about fit or quality, or not-best colors if the fit and quality are really good. Doesn't that sound whack? I do get these aligned a lot of the time, but not as much as I should.

So--on to various aha moments:
Color epiphany:
My color palette has gotten off course and I want to get re-focused. This was likely multiple things--changes in me due to more gray sprinkles in brown hair, having a previous workwear need for certain colors, or that the better items were often black, or got the WRONG not-black colors to have variety.
Not looking at colors someone else would tell me to wear, but what I think looks best when I try things on. Without getting into the color theory too much, I would be some form of "Soft Winter" or "Dark Summer" or something in those ranges. (There is so much variation in the names of palettes and I am not focused on "what's my Season ?!" , but just giving an idea that some of these put-together palettes come closest to the colors I've been seeing in my closet or tried on in stores, that work best .) If I really admit it I have strong preferences for not only certain colors but the depth of color, texture of the fabric for a given color, combinations in the fabric.

Medium very cool brown or dark taupe is very good and often better than charcoal/dark gray, and has been for years, but is really hard to find, hence I gave up trying to do work wardrobe with it. Medium gray-blue works well even though my eyes aren't blue. But, navy and black are so much easier to find, especially in nicer pieces, or toppers.

I have 3 olive jackets because I like the idea of olive but I haven't worn them much. They range from cooler olive with bluish undertone (cotton summer casual Talbot), medium dark olive (James Perse knit military jacket, great fit, soft, warm) , lighter yellower olive with bronzy-gold hardware (

nicely fitting WHBM military style) . None is really a best color but bluish one is best, and the lighter green gold one is just not good. It is hard for me to let it go but I have put it in the toss pile.

I like the Imogen Lamport descriptions of value-based and/or color based "person" and photos of translating that into outfits, and found those examples fit with what I was preferring in my outfits.

Lot more going on with color, but that is an example!

Scarf epiphany:
This is more of a closet/bureau organization thing, but does help me with culling some out as well.
--I have a lot of scarves that are for "decorative" wear +/- warmth and then ones for serious outdoor warmth. I am not going to wear the "deco" ones out of the house during pandemic at all--with a mask, I lose all benefit of style and color combo and also have the cleanliness concerns. So, most of these I am going to store in another room, after editing for color palette changes and obvious unloved ones. I am not going to cull severely just to get to a certain number,though.
--I will edit and keep handy soon as weather changes, the ones useful for outdoor walks in cold weather.
--I MIGHT wear a scarf indoors at home this winter, IF comfy enough, take on-off for cooking, temperature fluctuations. So I will pick out a few to try for that.

Have also had proportions lightbulb ideas, blazer/jacket style epiphanies, tailored/ruffled moments, and others. I hope I can use these to edit further and make good choices going forward.

Thanks for reading, in case this resonates with anyone else.