I posted on the blog post about closet or wardrobe editing the other day but have a thought to add.

At the end of a season when I do take a closer look at the current options especially for every day wear, I deliberately choose to wear some items which have been neglected over the past few months. It’s usually because they weren’t my favorites anyway, or I’ve replaced them in the rotation with new items. Then I get a better feel about whether to keep them and rework into outfits, or just pass on. Sometimes I find a different mix or match and they find new use. Sometimes I discover they no longer fit in some way, either my body or my style preferences.

Today I picked a creamy sleeveless top - one of those probably bought because it matches everything and we all need a ton of those, right? Haha. It’s comfortable fabric, soft and fits well enough. But it’s so bland. So even though I never wear it, it does match everything! Because it doesn’t clash with anything. So I’ll keep it in case someday I am so behind on laundry that my other 25 sleeveless knit tops and 6 wovens plus their coordinating bottoms are all in the wash. Haha! And it’s too blazing hot to wear short sleeves.

Does anyone else do this last chance or decision making wear strategy at the end of a season?