I wanted to post this because I'd been posting a lot of WIWs over the past couple of months. I didn't want it to seem like I stormed in, got the help I needed, and went on my merry way! I'm not that fickle.

I've been too consumed with my outfits and closet (and shopping, ugh) for the past couple of years and it's time for me to ease off. YLF has been a GREAT place for me to learn how to dress the way I really wanted to dress. It was instrumental this summer/fall when I had to purchase a new wardrobe and got to start from scratch. I am so glad I didn't fall back on the usual suspects of years past (tees, turtlenecks, skirts). I'd be bored to tears and still shopping every day!

I feel like I'm in a really good place with my wardrobe and want to try wearing what I feel like wearing instead of thinking about how I can improve an outfit. It was getting stressful to think of dressing with the intent to post a WIW. My shopping wishlist was getting bigger and bigger! "If only I had this one different thing, it would be perfect!" etc. I don't need my outfits to be perfect anymore. I want to be comfortable and happy, and I think I have all the elements to make that possible.

I also wanted to post that lately I've been particularly inspired by:
-- Aida, who recently posted about her hiatus. I want to just not worry about what I'm wearing for a while.
-- Lisa, with her amazing closet "boutique" experiment. I wasn't actually able to do it because my other closets have mysteriously filled up with kid stuff. But it made me tally up my wardrobe and remember exactly what I have in the closet. I think of the pieces I want to wear and am making note of the ones I don't want to wear (they will be gone soon). I've realized I love having a variety even if I don't wear every thing every week or two, and I also surprisingly love having sets of items that I always wear together. My rhinestone sweater looks and feels great with my dark slim straight jeans, so I'm not going to stress myself out trying to wear it with any other bottoms. And that's OK!
-- Suz, with her wisdom about style and weight loss. Her words have prevented me from several purchase mistakes.
-- clearlyclaire, with her minimal wardrobe! Mine is almost 10x the size of hers, but is the smallest it's ever been. I'm happy about that and want to keep it in focus; know every piece, keep additions deliberate, etc.
-- Those of you going through a fashion shift, like alaskagirl and Transcona Shannon. I keep thinking I MUST keep trying to wear the billion scarves and tights that I have, because it's what I loved a couple of years ago. Time to let go! I no longer enjoy wearing skirts in the winter, period. I never go the hang of wearing scarves indoors, so time to let that go, too. I like pants! I'm going to stop forcing some other style that's not "me" anymore.

I'll still be here, but no more WIWs for a bit. I'm just relaxing and taking in the wisdom that you all are posting, and hopefully sometimes I'll have something to contribute. Thanks for reading!