A lot of Birks! Some oxfords. The best couple I saw were both about in their 50s. The woman wearing a white eyelet cotton blouse and full skirt and some sort of flat shoes. And her man was wearing charcoal bermudas, a same color short sleeve collared button up shirt and a scarf and also sandals.
I saw a few people in heels when I was going to Les Mis (we were so crossing our fingers to win the Hamilton lottery but did not) but otherwise not elsewhere.
Dover Street Market was a blast and I highly recommend going there. It is 7 fairly small floors with Japanese-leaning designers, except that the top floor has all the current over the top Gucci stuff. They have the best sunglasses ever and if I had not bought two Krewe pairs this summer I might have splurged. I was very pleased by the staff who were not pushy and did not get all judgy as to whether you might buy something or not.** However, even the 70 percent off end of season sale they were having was expensive. i liked a pair of blue velvet things that were sort of a cross between knickers and harems but my daughter pointed out that I would really not be able to wear them very many places and certainly not in Keene NH and forbade me to buy them. And I lusted over some Junya Watanabe spiked triceratops looking clog /mules and I might really have bought them had my size been available.
** my most hated stores are the ones where salespeople not very subtly look at your shoes first and if they are not expensive then forget the good treatment