I had an epiphany earlier this year. I need enough elevated outfits to cover at least half the time I spend in clothes!

I love travel, and I use it as an opportunity to dress up. When I say ‘dress up’, I mean elevated casual items. (A litmus test for me is to ask: would I post this outfit as a WIW?). If I add up all the travel occaisions, it would total about 70 days per year.

Most of my time (I thought) is grubbing around my gardens, or in home-making activities, with some fitness activities and regular long walks (2 hrs) thrown in for good measure. For these activities I wear practical items that are more about function, and less about style (but not something I would be ashamed to be seen in, in public.)

I also find other occasions to dress up, however. I’m retired, so I don’t have the occasion to dress up for work, but I do dress up 2-3 times a week for:

- dates with DH (dinner, theatre, concert, or movie)
- weekly Bridge at the community centre
- social bridge with another couple (our home or theirs)
- shopping trips (including weekly grocery shopping)
- visit to the stylist or aesthetician
- visit to the doctor or dentist

So, allowing 2.5 occasions per week for the 42 weeks I’m not travelling (105) plus the 70 travel occasions, I need ‘dress up’ clothes sufficient to cover almost half the year - or 175 days/365!

I suspect Angie will post that she dresses up every day! LOL! What about you? I wonder if folks who think they live in yoga pants, actually might not!