I like bows and ruffles and am proud to say so!
Words cannot express how much my Valentino - a gift from YLF ten years ago - means to me. A decade later and I am as giddy and touched as I was when I received it (pic #9).
27C or 80F. Not as hot as yesterday but just as lovely. Saw a client today and wore the dressier version in #1 - #4. Because she adores red, I almost always wear red when I see her. Hence the red shoes and bag. LOVE these NAS shirt dresses I got last year. They make me walk on clouds. Perfectly comfy, covered, dressy, structured, and with the all important swoosh-factor for movement. Pearls, always.
Off to walk Sam so did the usual: changed shoes and bag to sneaks and crossbody so that I can keep up with his Lordship. Remember this is a city walk, and not a dog park
My two-faced hair is extra wavy today thanks to the sea breeze. I'm off because Sam is growing impatient....