Hmm, interesting question & agree that hair*cuts* have changed what I wore (sharper gamine cuts with shorter hair VS softer romantic clothes when my curls were highlighted), but I didn't think about *colour* much.

When I started dyeing my hair with natural henna (so an orangey brownish tint to my black hair), I noticed myself leaning more into my Dark Autumn 'diagnosis' from 2019.

Now that I have enough grey hair for it to be noticeable around my hairline, I've stopped dyeing it & am noticing myself be more drawn to colours that I previously found 'boring' on myself (like olive green & burgundy).

I'm still not too keen on mustard yellow but who knows - let's see how this grey experiment goes, lol!

Zaeobi Good Luck with the grey experiment and do share your progress/transition if you want to. Mine was very difficult because my silver is so bright. But I am so happy I did it. Yours sounds less traumatic