I received them and returned them. (I had ordered the black and the amber to try.) I liked the black a lot (the amber was a little mustardy for me) but I was not totally convinced it was the right jacket for my needs. I loved the collar / neckline but I was not completely sold on how the coat looked unbuttoned. And , even more important, I was not sure it was a smart buy.
It's already turned quite chilly in the mornings and evenings in Maine, and part of me thinks it will be peacoat weather before we know it (and I have a peacoat) so I am thinking I should put my effort and my money into a topper I can wear inside (which I really need) and a full-on winter coat (which I also need). Still somewhat conflicted.
I will be shopping with a close friend in Seattle this weekend and I am really hoping she will help me find the right jacket / coat. I don't know why it's so difficult!