Okay, I was born in 1954 and raised and spent my entire life in Minneapolis Minnesota and one thing about that time was full-length Fox fur coats were huge in style. I remember in the early 1980s seeing ads on tv and in the newspaper of women wearing full-length Fox fur coats and I would also see women on the streets wearing them a few women from my office that I worked with had them and I was so jealous of them.

I remember back in 1983 my mom got a full-length silver Fox fur coat and then in 1984 my sister got a full-length shadow Fox fur coat for her birthday then I remember come December I went with my mom and my sister to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and out of the three of them I was the only woman without a fur coat. I remember standing in line in a sea of full-length foxes, minks, sables, and lynx’s and I remember hating being stuck in my cloth coat in a crowd of women in beautiful furs.

After that, I was determined to get a full-length Fox fur coat by next Christmas so I saved up as much money as possible and reached into my savings I took my husband with me to several fur coat stores and I tried on a 100 full-length Fox fur coats until I found the perfect full-length golden island Fox fur coat. My husband agreed to help me pay for it and we were able to get it on a monthly payment plan we were able to buy it and I got it as an early Christmas present and I will never forget the feeling of joy I had said goodbye to my cloth coat and hello to my beautiful full-length golden island Fox fur coat.

I will never forget my sister’s jaw-dropping when she saw my coat and then she became the one jealous of my fur. It also felt so good going to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra the next year with my mom and sister and the three of us all going decked out in our full-length Fox fur coats. I remember wearing the coat so much to work and to as many possible places. I just loved wearing that coat so much and I haven’t been able to wear it since like 2009 since full-length Fox fur coats have gone completely out of style. I honestly wish I had a time machine so I could go back to 1986 and wear my full-length golden island Fox fur coat on the streets of Minneapolis once again.