Just out of curiosity, now that we’ve all explained our scheduled maintenance, how long does your day to day routine take? Do occasional jobs cut down on your daily, or do people with more appointments also spend more time on it day to day? I’m also curious how people regard these activities—self-love, a trip to the dentist, or something in between?
I wash my hair weekly, shave most times I swim, and do the turmeric/coffe scrub and henna occasionally, but my daily routine is quicker than my son’s. It includes a shower (most days), deo, lotion, tooth-brushing, and maybe 4 makeup products (concealer, eyeliner, bronzer, lipstick/moisturizer). I comb my hair & might pull it back. That’s it. Much faster than when I was in high school & used makeup & hot rollers.
Any attention my nails get is on the side, while I’m doing something else, never the main activity. I can’t say getting my legs waxed or sugared takes time off the regular stuff, because I often go weeks without shaving, especially on my legs. So any kind of hair removal, whether shaving, waxing, or anything else, is a bump up in time spent.
The waxing at my son’s favorite hotel that I’ve had done 2 or 3 times is surprisingly nice. The day to day stuff is boring routine. If I shaved every day or did more other stuff, I expect I’d resent it.