So I think I figured out a way to keep myself from shopping/buying more items (esp. tops and jackets) that I may not wear or may not need. The recent capsule exercises several YLF'ers have done have helped me. Here's how - each time I get an itch to shop for something I remind myself that I have NOT yet created capsules with several of the rarely worn items I already own, and it's not because they cannot be integrated, it's because I have been unwilling to take the time and effort to do it. So far this self imposed pressure is working. I look at something new, think about it for a minute, and then think to myself "how can you even think of getting this new item when you haven't been willing to work with what you already own?"

I think I'm a bit lazy when it comes to doing the fashion "work" involved in creating outfits. Or maybe I don't enjoy that part as much as I thought I would. Either way, I'm going with this because it's helping me reign in my desires for "new" and replace that with a focus to be successful in my closet. Once I create a couple of capsules I figure I can "reward" myself with something new IF I see a clear hole.

Not sure how long this will last but so far it has been helping. Not that I won't do any shopping at all. I am actively shopping for new fall/winter shoes and that is a need. Pretty tops will have to wait. Help me stay strong!