Robin, I'm so sorry about your accident. What a pain! (Literally).
I had an accident of my own in the summer but the injuries were quite different so my personal experience isn't relevant. Mr. Suz has broken toes a bunch of times and had to wear a boot, but breaking one toe is not the same as what you are dealing with.
However, more recently, my 23-year-old had knee surgery for ACL and damaged meniscus, and had to use crutches for several weeks. I was nodding with those who say it's important to make sure they are at the right height (my kid's were not, at first) and also that you are using them correctly. After a few days of pain and confusion, LJ did get the hang of it enough to get around (albeit slowly) but they did not even bother trying to use the crutches on the stairs. Instead, they held the bannister and hopped on their good foot, keeping all weight off the affected side. Needless to say, they didn't go up and down very often.
On a recent trip, I saw a teenager using one of those knee scooters in an art gallery with apparent ease and enjoyment.
We had a special icing machine for the knee and it really helped. So you might look into that, as well as elevating the foot. Wishing you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.