Gryffin's favourite bag post got me thinking more about purses and bags, and so, my question. Do you prefer a 'cross body' or a 'hand' bag?

I prefer a handbag and recently the tote style, with handles that are long enough to wear over my shoulder comfortably. I have learned (the hard way) that I prefer a lighter weight bag, though I do prefer leather. Although the hands free aspect of a cross body makes so much sense, I find they uncomfortably mash down my bosom.

As an aside, I don't mind the idea of a clutch for pm, but haven't found one yet. I'm hoping that I might score one with a chain that can be tucked away, but also used for dangling over the shoulder.

For me, backpacks are for gear. Period. Or, at least I don't think a back pack style purse is 'me'.

So. Over to you. Cross body, handbag, or other?