Last week I considered whether I could set a clothing budget using an average CPW of $1. I had lots of great comments on that thread. Thanks!

I'm going to try this budget this year. I'm using my start date as September 1st.

Some things upfront. I already have a good working wardrobe. Most of my wardrobe is less than 4 years old. I have a moderate sized wardrobe, a four-season climate and a very casual lifestyle. I think I might also be a uniform dresser. I think I have a few seasonal silhouettes and somewhat limited colour palette and little need for lots of variety in function of clothes besides seasonal concerns. Except for some specialized gear for activities like camping and exercising, my wardrobe works across all of my roles - mom to young daughter, full-time teacher, social activities.

I do have a small special occasion capsule. I'd like to add a wool winter coat to this capsule this year. Everything else is in good shape.

I am embarking on this experiment for curiosity's sake. I don't have an unlimited budget for clothing but nor do I need to restrict myself to this extent. I am, however, looking for some efficiency, both in how many dollars I spend and how many wears I get out of an item before I tire of it. I would also like to achieve further efficiency in my closet.

I am basing my numbers on average wears per clothing category and I concede some categories will have a lower CPW and some will be higher. I'm less concerned with actually achieving these CPWs for each and every item and more concerned with just meeting my needs/wants in each category while maintaining this budget.

I don't tend to spend a lot of money on one item. I do spend on winter coats but once I have one or two good ones, I'll round out that capsule with good buys. I will spend on footwear but have no interest or need for designer. Because I work with kindergarteners, it just doesn't pay to buy and wear expensive items. Too easily, it could get ruined. I'm also quite casual in other aspects of my life and don't often enjoy dressing up - special occasions excepted.

I'll let you know how my experiment goes. For the record the budget is $1540 for the year or about $130 a month.