I have been thinking about the link between colors that we look good in, gravitate towards and feel most comfortable wearing. Sometimes there is a distinction between these three things but not usually. I have been reading a book called Highly Sensitive People. It states that about 20% of the population is highly sensitive. This does not refer to being nicer to others but having a nervous system that gets overstimulated easily. That stimulation can relate to sound, activity, visual imagery and anything dealing with the senses. Many artists are in this category because of a heightened awareness of subtleties and nuances in everyday life. I am a poster child for this personality type.

I know now that that is why I am much more comfortable and at ease in a neutral palette at home and in my clothing. I feel more relaxed. I can occasionally wear brighter color but it makes up only about 20 % of my wardrobe and is hardly ever a color at full brightness. I always need to tone it done with neutrals. I am more convinced that finding a style and colors that make one feel right in the world is a big part of the effortless side of fashion. I can be myself so much more when I am not over stimulated by what I am wearing but in the right comfort zone. This may be the reason someone with a very big personality that loves risks and adventure would look and feel boring in colors that are not vibrant. I also think that we look a certain way because it somehow matches who we are. There is a harmony that exists when we wear what we are meant to. This in no way means not to take fashion risks but within whatever limits are comfortable. Going against our natures in too strong a direction will never feel or look effortless.

That is why I think Angie is so right in nudging us towards a fashion persona and not merely asking us to wear what she wears. That is why YLF is so helpful and why all the personalities involved can help each other find that right mix of elements to make us shine and be our true selves.

Enough arty, touchy- feely stuff from a highly sensitive fashion lover.

What do you think?