I just got back from my color analysis, and it was indeed fun! And while I was open to any result, I got the one I was most hoping for: True/Leaf Autumn! (Keturah, we're sister shades!) My colors are "rich, warm, earthy, and vibrant."

I'm so excited; I get to keep *all* my favorite colors. Autumn leaf shades, lots of foresty and olive greens, and peacock colors. I love it all. My "navy" is a very deep teal, which is exactly the color that I painted my bedroom walls. I seem to have been unconsciously painting my house in a variety of autumn shades, now that I think about it. I guess it makes sense that I'm drawn to those.

What I don't get in my palette are black, gray, white, and cool colors... and indeed, those drapes made me look notably pale and kind of sickly.

So if I just got all my favorite colors anyway, was it worth paying for the session? It was for me... it was a good time, and it gave me confidence to go with my instincts. It expanded my range of colors when I saw how pretty some of the other autumn colors look with my default favorites. She also suggested that I'd generally look best in 5 autumn colors all at once (including tonal combos)... I don't think I've ever worn that many colors at a time! But seeing groups of them laid out together, I had to agree that they did look more pleasing and interesting. She recommended not just sticking to the more muted colors in my range, because I can handle bolder colors and look good in them; left to myself, I would definitely have gone almost entirely muted neutrals.

We also went over makeup, which was very helpful because I never knew what colors to choose. I've previously thought I was cool-toned, so I picked blue-red and pink lip colors and then felt really discordant. I once got an orange-red lipstick in a sample kit and loved it, and now I know why.

So now it's time for a closet sorting and edit. My color analyst recommended putting my best colors on one side of the closet, and colors that don't suit me on the other, and try to only add to the side with my colors going forward, which seems like a sensible plan that lets me change over slowly (I do have a couple beloved black and gray things that are definitely staying). I realize there's no rule that says I must only wear autumn colors, but I love the idea of an easy palette that suits me and looks great together in any combination. And the autumn colors make me happy, so it's no burden, other than taking more work to find... black was always an easy default choice.

So yay! I feel energized. What's your season, and do you stick to your seasonal palette strictly, loosely, or not at all?