Yesterday I had a fit of unplanned closet-cleaning. We will need to shuffle around a lot of our stuff in the coming weeks since the real construction work on our first floor begins in January. So I started by making room in a space that was getting a bit unweildy. The dreaded holding zone!

Five big bags of things, from boots to bags to coats to neglected clothes…all going. My niece gets first right of refusal on the stuff that might fit her. A couple of nicer items will go to consignment. But mostly it’s just going to get donated. A couple of mistakes still have tags on, but in fairness they were bought right before the pandemic started and never got worn, and now they feel all wrong. Oh well!

I’m determined to keep nudging the number of items in my wardrobe down, so the newly-empty hangers will be given away too (save for a couple of spares in case one breaks, which happens maybe once a year).

The handbags definitely got a culling. My style in that department has become simpler. I don’t seem to be using the more colorful bags anymore, and I’m off of satchel styles, which I apparently once loved.

Coats that continue to be a size too snug? Gone. They’re just too bulky to keep “just in case.” Our renovation will mean we have a new larger coat closet in the laundry/mud room in a couple of months, and my goal is to be able to fit all our coats in that closet. At this point we rely on the basement holding zone space for overflow, which I don’t like doing because I like to see everything at once!

Now I think I need to get my husband to do a bit of editing — his shoes suddenly seem to be everywhere! LOL