Staring at my piles of scattered jewelry on my dresser, none of it hung or laid out, I got a sudden urge to organize it yesterday.

Don't get me wrong--it was a "no organization" organizational system that had worked for years. Though many people toss things anywhere, I like to think I'm the first person who consciously acknowledged this as a valid system.

("No organization" works for a set of items where there aren't too many. Like if you have a pantry with a few cans, a bottle of olive oil, and a few grains and baking ingredients, there is no need to organize it. Because no matter where you put anything, you can always open the cupboard and immediately see where the flour is.)

And since I don't have too much jewelry, "no organization" worked here, too...until it didn't. I'd reach for the same things, because maybe a pair of earrings I liked had one earring over here, and another buried under a necklace...and I wouldn't get to it for a month.

So yesterday I realized it would be nice to "see" everything I had all at once, like the fancy walk-in closets with all the shoes lined up on social media.

This did not take long--maybe a half hour. A signature item for me is earrings. The ones hooked to the basket are gifts. My own style is actually more bold and graphic--the 4 colorful ones laid out in boxes are my own purchases.

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