The silver looked good, the blonde suits you to a T. You have some great options and I want your hairdresser!
But yeah, on the way to old are a lot of interesting opinions from others.
On the other hand, the services offered my tiny, dyed-platinum 68 year -old self at this point, are lovely and heartfelt. People are kind once they find the right box to put you in, which is very human. Transitional (not old, not really young) periods are hard to parse. Hence the dumb remarks.

Anchie, it took about 18 months from the time I was diagnosed with Graves disease to reach remission with antithyroid medication. My physician and I were both opposed to surgical removal of my thyroid or destroying it with radioactive iodine. I didn't want to trade one condition for another that would require lifelong, daily medication. It's my understanding that Graves disease is less common than Hashimoto's disease.

I also developed Thyroid Eye Disease, a separate autoimmune condition that affected the function and appearance of my eyes. Long story short, I had 10 sessions of low dose radiation to my eye muscles as well as surgery to repair my eyelids. One was drooping and one was retracted. Graves disease is remarkably frustrating for the person who has it and for the physician who is treating it. We just don't know exactly what causes Graves disease or any other autoimmune condition. On the other hand, it does appear that prolonged physical or mental stress, pregnancy and severe illness can trigger Graves disease.

I think the new color is lovely! I find that coloring or bleaching my fine hair gives it more body and volume, so I am all for it.

And if you change your mind, easy peasy to go in a different direction.

Angie is on the money, people need to SHUT UP. Haven't we learned not to make personal comments other than "That color really suits you!" or "I love your bag!" to strangers?

Good color for you! For some reason I thought you were blonde before. Probably because you and Angie share the Spring palette!

I bet you look lovelier than the *bleeps* who made the cruel and inappropriate comments over the years.

I love the statement glasses on you, Anchie! Fantastic choice. Your hair looks chic, too! I bet it will look great with your clothes, as it complements your skin tone nicely.

Once at the supermarket, this lady kept ramming her cart into me while we were in line. I told her to stop. She called me an old lady. I exclaimed, ‘Look how you treat your elders!!’

I just want to say that I won

Hahaha Rachy

So good to see you, Anchie! Love the new color and glasses, but want you to know I also thought you looked fab in the "gray" or natural color. I really understand the need for a change, and think your hair person is great. Enjoy the new look. And BTW--What is wrong with people and their filters?? GEEZ! I am with nuancedream--say nothing if you can't come up with a positive comment. Whatever helps us deal with our lives in a good way--I am for that. You have had a lot to deal with over the last couple years. Good for you for finding positive ways to cope.

Forgot to say the David Bowie reference in the title of your post was not lost on me

Bowie approval !

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I just don't understand people...-what is all about this outdated aversion on beautiful grey hair? Loved grey hair on you but think you deserved a change if felt you needed. Think the new color is a very sophisticated blonde- your roots picked up a darker shade than the ends, which is always great---think is an almost neutral blonde which can behave so well with some fadding (if it's not permanent) and even with some silvers grown in! Do you know the nr of the shade?-(predict an nr 7 or 8). Excited to see your decision on a permanent color (or not).

Angie and Sal nailed it!

You look fantastic Anchie ... love this hair colour on you, it looks extremely natural, harmonious and flattering to my eye, and your love your new glasses. 

But more importantly - how are you FEELING? Because you deserve to feel as good as you look (which is - always and with any hair colour - FAB!)

I am so sorry you received hurtful comments. I thought your hair was lovely. Your new hair looks beautiful, and your glasses are a statement.

Super-fun look--great color, great glasses. Definitely not Grandma! I've heard young people referring to Gen X people as Baby Boomers--yikes.

Thank you all, so happy to see such a positive feedback. It is now full week since I colored it and I am finally adjusting to the look. Not sure how long it will last, I am trying not to wash my hair that frequently. But I am still very frustrated with my hair situation. Since I lost so much hair, almost half my hair is now new growth, short, hoarse and frizzy. And longer parts are thin and lifeless. It is worse than growing out pixie. But at least it is growing back. It will take months to have more body at longer length.

It must be frustrating to deal with different hair lengths and textures but on the plus side, I suppose the hair growth means that your body is recovering! Lots of hair masks and hair oil (can recommend Phyto, their mask and leave in creams have been great in my case and you really need a small amount!).

Are you still wearing mostly neutral colours?

As a side comment, you mentioned your natural hair colour can get dingy. I found that hair products with oils that are yellow in color (argen, macadamia, etc) do this to my silver hair. Now I try and only use clear liquids and my hair stays bright.