I have 20 pairs of shoes and 4 bags. For me, the shoes are the perfect amount. Tonnes of choice, but fits in my small closet. I literally can’t squeeze a single other pair in, so it’s one in; one out.
The 4 bags? Hmmm well I would enjoy a little more variety there, but it’s not a shopping priority at the moment. Especially because a lot of the time lately I am trying not to carry a bag, and just have phone and keys in pocket when possible. This is mainly because carrying a bag for long periods of time gives me a bit of a sore neck and shoulders. I still use a bag when I need one, a few times a week depending what I am doing, and it’d be fun to have some more cool choices- but I tend to prefer to focus “investment” into the clothing moreso. Interesting to hear about everyone’s shoe collections.

Re: letting shoes get a break in between wearings — I learned (somewhere? Can’t remember where) that shoes break down less quickly when you give them a day or more in between wearings. My understanding is that it helps them release any trapped moisture and compression so any cushioning inside can recover before putting more pressure on it again. Particularly applicable to items like running or hiking shoes! I got in the habit of buying two pairs of identical running shoes when I was running a lot for this reason, and it did help extend the life of both pairs.

I don’t know how true it is, but my shoes tend to last a long time, even though I walk a lot and can be hard on them.

Janet —yes, I’ve found the same thing, and rarely wear the same shoe 2 days in a row….

And I think I’ve found my next challenge…wear all the shoes! (Ok maybe not all as I’m not going to wear my sandals anytime soon)

The Duolingo owl has entered the chat...giving us examples from both ends of the spectrum lol

In the spirit of shoe, I mean true, confessions I have 15 pairs of winter flats. The oldest is from 2018. I have a similar count for summer; those are tucked away for the season. My feet are happiest when I switch shoe lasts and styles each day, so I have a mix of loafers, skimmers and ballet flats from a handful of different manufacturers. I average wearing out one a month during the season. My matchy matchy soul is happiest when I have a couple of pairs of shoes, in different styles, to match or closely coordinate with each purse. So a two to one shoe to purse ratio. Each year I assess any gaps and what colors are trending in the stores to prioritize filling them when the colors I want are available. It’s an ongoing project that I don’t fret about getting perfect. This year my only winter gap is the same as last year, in true grey flats; I haven’t found anything that I like in the sales yet, so that might still be on the list next year as well.

Haha, SarahDB, that is funny!

And Rachylou, you said "difficult" question. I might almost call it a "trick" question!

I can say how many pairs of shoes I have -- 13, of which 9 are for wearing out and about, and 4 are for the house and yard -- but I can't say with confidence whether this is my sweet spot. The storage is rather crowded. I'd like to have a "shoe museum" like UmmLila's, even just to house my little collection.

Can I have too many shoes? No way ! Kidding, but only sort of. I have 100+ shoes, and still look at the shoes first whenever I shop. I store them in an intricate system along the bottom of my wall length closet, rotate them so that the seasonally appropriate ones are in the front row twice a year, and generally enjoy trying on several with an outfit to see what they do and what I want that day. I do not wear them all every year but have definitely seen sleepers go into heavy rotation after a break.

I have under 20 pieces and I am currently in the process of reviewing my collection and planning replacements. Comfort first, heel's height second!

Handbags, on the other hands, are my big love. I only have 8 but hoping to add an everyday box bag and a raffia bag as well!

Ha @SarahD8
Clutter stresses me out too! I have 22 (inc slippers) but would be ok to about 25. Even if I had a big house, I don't think I'd want more than that.

I love this Angie... Such a great reminder there are no hard and fast rules that apply to everyone when it comes to style!